Saturday, October 9, 2010

El Rincón Borinqueña-Cantantes Famosos

Tito Rodriguez

Today I want to share some exciting news with all my Puerto Rican friends. Although I have seen my neighbor from across the street several times over the past years, we never had the opportunity to converse with each other. So as, we both happened to be walking the dogs at the same time, my neighbor stopped to say something to me and we started conversing. During the interchanging of conversation, I mentioned that my mom was from the town of Ponce, which to my surprise I found out that this lovely lady's name is Cindy Rodriguez, who is the daughter of the Famous singer and bandleader Tito Rodriguez. She invited me into her home where she had displayed a gallery of pictures which she pointed out with enormous pride, her father, Tito Rodriguez. As a genealogical and historical researcher, it was if I had taken a step back in time. She looks just like her father and her son, an amazing exactness of his grandfather. I could see it was an emotional, nostalgic moment for her as she showed me one by one the pictures. Here, was a father who was greatly loved and missed by his daughter. Feeling enriched by the visit, I said my goodbyes thanking her for sharing those memories with me. I rushed across the street to my apartment, and immediately turned on my computer to send this blog spreading the news. So my dear friends, in memory of Tito Rodriguez, and with great respect for his daughter Cindy Rodriguez and his son Tito Rodriguez Jr., I would like to have some of his music played via You Tubes.

Tito Rodriguez known as "El Inolvidable" was a popular Puerto Rican singer and bandleader during the 50s and 60s. He was born in Santurce, Puerto Rico. His brother Johnny Rodriguez was also a bandleader as well as a popular song composer. In 1947, Tito made his "solo" debut . He organized a band called "Los Diablos del Mambo," which he later renamed "Los Lobos del Mambo" . Much later he changed the name to "The Tito Rodriguez orchestra."

Rodriguez's last public appearance was with Machito and his Band on February 2, 1973, where they performed at the Madison Square Garden in New York before he succumbed to his death from leukemia on February 28, 1973.

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Monday, October 4, 2010


A Blog is a frequently updated journal or diary, also called a "Web log," which is a specialized site that allows an individual or group of individuals to share a running log of events and personal insights with online audiences. A Blog is a publication of a mixture of personal thoughts, experiences, and web links. Some blogging sites may provide a variety of topics that may be of interest to the public, such as in my case where I love to talk about New York City , New York State and American History as well as life itself.

There are many people who love to read blogs, but just don't have the time to go through it's entire contents trying to find something that may be of interest to them. Usually when people approach a blog, they like to go quickly from one thing to the next. As for actually reading the text, there is little evidence of that unless the subject matter should catch their eye, then it becomes worthwhile.

Since my blog was started in 2007, there have been postings of over 750 tid-bits of information, which talk about history, life situations, goals and success. New updates will continue to be posted regularly. So my dear reader, for your benefit, I am making every attempt to improve the navigation to this treasure trove of information as quickly as possible. For this purpose I have created a table of contents divided by categories, for easy accessing. However if there is something that may interest you, I suggest you find yourself a comfortable chair, and while you're at it, grab a steaming hot cup of coffee and a bagel with cream cheese and you'll be all set to settle down for a while. So happy reading.

Table of Contents (2)
A.) Getting To Know Mimi (B.) N.Y.C. History (C.) Italian Harlem(D.) Spanish Harlem (E.) Black Harlem (F.) New York State
(G.) Tenement Living: Social Issues Of Urban Life
(Poverty, Crime&Vice, Homelessness, Group Conflicts, Diseases, Gays&Lesbians: Gender Identity, Domestic Violence, Drug&Alcohol Abuse, Police Brutality )
Table of Contents (3)
(H.) Chit-Chat Over Coffee Swirls

Table of Contents (4)
(I.) Jewish Knowledge (J.) Self-Improvement (K.) Historical Facts On England & United States

Table of Contents (5)
(L.) Miscellaneous (M.) Timetables (N.) Ethnic Groups (O.) Legal Talk(P.) Entertainment: Backward Glances (Q.) Immigration

Table of Contents (6)
(R.) Women__Bio Sketches, Feminine Fancies, Recipes, Kitchen Talk.(S.) Worship

Table of Contents (7)
(T.) A Little Taste of History, (U.) U.S. History-Transportation, (V) U.S. History-Panics, Economic Depressions, Business Matters

Table of Contents (8)
(W) El Rincón En Español (The Spanish Corner: )
This section is dedicated to articles of historical facts, poetry, self-improvement, human interest stories etc. written in Spanish.

Table of Contents (9)
(X) So Mr. President, What Did You Do During Your Term in Office....? (The Series)

Table of Contents (10a) In Italian
(Y) Brusciano, Italy News/Events: Dr. Antonio Castaldo, Journalist

Table of Contents (10b) English Section
(Y) Brusciano, Italy News/Events: Dr. Antonio Castaldo, Journalist

Table of Contents (11)
(Z) The Italian Niche
Table of Contents (12a)
Pensieri di uno scrittore italiano: dott. Antonio Castaldo
Table of Contents (12b)
Thoughts of an Italian Writer : Dr. Antonio Castaldo
Table of Contents (13)
I) "El Rincón Borinqueña"

Table of Contents (14)
II) Arts and Entertainment

Table of Contents (15)
III) Architecture
Table of Contents (16)
IV Education
Table of Contents (17)
V Wisdom: Thoughts From the Indian Masters
Table of Contents (18)
VI Understanding Music
Table of Contents (19)
VII Creative Writing

Table of Contents (20)
VII New York City Neighborhoods

IX Memories (Brooklyn, Manhattan and Personal)
(Feel free to express your comments or ask questions regarding: "" which will be reviewed before posting. Thank You..

************ .
Contact: or miriam@thehistorybox

Need A Writer/Editor?

Don Eminizer is a freelance writer with over twenty years of writing,editing and proofreading experience. From 1991 to 1992 he produced and hosted a Mid-Atlantic regional sports entertainment television show and co-hosted a national radio talk show called Wrestling Spotlight. He spent three years at CBS he wrote, edited and proofed everything from ad copy and web content to articles for a monthly magazine called Sidelines. He wrote and sold ad copy for everyone from Howard Stern to Don and Mike, including hundreds of :10, :30, and :60 second spots. He has worked with
thousands of small businesses, helping them to build sales and increase traffic flow via radio sponsorship, NTR and web SEO. Currently he mediates a writer's workshop called Litmocracy, and writes freelance articles, columns, books and films. In the past he's written for Independent Rising Magazine, The 19th Tee out of Atlanta, and a slew of newspapers and articles. He has two films in pre-production and is writing and ghost writing a number of projects, including Barbara Terry's forthcoming book, How Athletes Roll, including interviews with 40 famous pro athletes.

College/grad students need help with your essays or writing projects? As a satisfied customer, I highly recommend Don's editing/writing skills. His prices are also reasonable.

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The Italian Niche: Saying it in Italian (1)

From time to time I will be posting expressions both in English and Italian. Here are a few to start.

1. Hi!- Ciao!
2. I'm sending you a kiss- Ti mando un bacio
3. How are you?- Come stai? or you can say: Come state (which is more formal)
4. I'm fine, thanks!- Bene, grazie!
5. I missed you so much!- me sei mancato molto!
6. What's new? - che c'è di nuovo?
7. See you later! -A dopo
8. How much is this? - Quanto costa questo?
9. Just a little. - Solo un po'.
10. Nice to meet you! - è un piacere conoscerti!/ è un piacere conoscerla (polite)
11. Where do you live? - Dove vivi?/ Dove vive? (polite)
12. Did you like it here? - ti piace qui?
13. Italy is a wonderful country - L'italia è un paese meraviglioso.
14. I like Italian - Mi piace l'italiano.
15. I have to go - Devo andare
16. Good luck! - Buona fortuna!
17. I'd like to visit Italy one day - Mi piacerebbe visitare l'Italia un giorno di questi!
18. Good night and sweet dreams! - Buona notte e sogni d'oro!
19. Sorry (for a mistake) - Scusami!/ Mi scusi! (polite)
20. Write It Down Please! -Scrivilo per favore!/ Lo scriva per favore (polite)
21. What's That Called In Italian? - Come si chiama quella cosa in italiano?
22. What Is This? - Cos'è questa cosa?
23. My Italian is bad. - il mio italiano è orribile.
24. I'm hungry/ thirsty. - Sono Affamato/ Assetato.
25. Really! - Davvero!
26. I feel sick. - Mi sento male!
27. Better late than never - Meglio tardi che mai
28. A fool and his money are soon parted - Uno sciocco e il suo denaro son presto separati
29. In union there is strength - L'unione fa la forza
30. Appetite comes with eating - L'appetito vien mangiando
31. The end justifies the means - Il fine giustifica i mezzi

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thoughts of An Italian Writer: Marcello Colasurdo a Dionysus of Agro Pomiglianese (3)

Who Compares With Courage, With the Globalization of the World

Dr. Antonio Castaldo, Sociologist and Journalist, Brusciano, Italy

(Page: 3)

Here we are therefore at the civil oration, the commemoration and inevitable commotion. "A' Flobert," written by Sciascià, Salvatore Sciaffuso, of Zezi and of Nacchere Rosse, the wave of emotion felt that terrible day, Friday, April 11, 1975: "Viernarì unnice aprile a Sant’Anastasia nu tratto nu rummore sentiett’e ch’ paura/ je ascevo a faticà manc’a forza ‘e cammenà p’à via addumandà sta botta che sarrà./ A Massaria e’ Rumano ‘na fabbrica è scuppiata e ‘a ggente ca fujeva e ll’ate ca chiagneva:/ Chi jeva e chi turnava p’à paura e ll’ati botte ma arrivato nnanz’ ‘o cancello maronn’e ch’ maciello…”

Twelve workers who died martyred during the production of firecrackers in the Flobert Factory were remembered one year ago in the thirtieth anniversary of the disaster. The experience of the mourning, in that historical moment, then spread throughout the labor movement, and the peasant recognized in the tortured expression, and passionate singing of Sciuscià, which a few years later he would have prematurely left this world leaving behind to inherit his artistic testament of the mournful history of Flobert.

History and memory, past and present, identities and differences, joy and sorrow, nostalgia and openness to future, representation and evidence, men and actors, people and personalities, the agro pomiglianese and Nola, we saw the scene in the "Assoli Hall," the old and renovated cellar of the Nuovo Teatro Nuovo. We have seen represented the problems and the local solutions entwined with the global processes firmly holding the highest point of view: the South of Italy.

We witnessed the strong performance of Marcello Colasurdo singer, actor Douglas Vernon Anglo-Caribbean and of live DJ Marco Messina-99 Posse. The text written by anthropologist Paolo Favero and the staging done by Giuliana Ciancio and Nicola Ciancio; the realization of the production of the OPS Association thanks to the Campania Region's contribution, of the Assessorship in the Cultural and Landscape Properties of the province of Naples, the City of Pomigliano D'Arco, the Arezzowawe Foundation, and with the endorsement of the Municipality of Naples.

Sets and costumes of Daniela Ciancio, light designer Michelangelo Campanale; food maker Monica Caspani, author of scenes Clelio Alfinito, video-graphics and visual recognition of Alessandro Verna, and the technical views of Augusto Ferraiolo.

In 2004 in Sweden at Stockhom near the center Polifunzionale Kulturhuset there was a first indication of what might be, and it has become, this stunning theatrical production that, after the premiere in Naples, it is accessible to fly overseas. In September, it will be in the United States making its debut at the theater "LA MAMA" in New York. For this, we reply to all those who leaves for this artistic mission "Good luck-buona fortuna!".

Good luck and loving memory, to all of us, thinking that today, finishing this article, is the "Day of Remembrance" in respect of the pulling down of the gates of Auschwitz and all the victims of Nazism for the respect of humanity, of every people, of every culture, of every religion.

Brusciano January 27, 2007-Memorial Day- Antonio Castaldo

Translation into English by Miriam Medina: Associate Member of the American Translators Association

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Thoughts of An Italian Writer: Marcello Colasurdo a Dionysus of Agro Pomiglianese (2)

Who Compares With Courage, With the Globalization of the World

Dr. Antonio Castaldo, Sociologist and Journalist, Brusciano, Italy


The crisis and the splitting ripened, strangely enough, precisely in the globalized context of the recognition and management of the assets of the collection of texts and popular music, fragment of the international element called world music.

The world of international business left disappointed, bitter and angry, the Gropez E 'Zezi together with their famous leader Angelo De Falco.

In 2000, former-lead singer Peter Gabriel of Genesis and the creator of the Real World Studios, announced the disconcerting news: "There is a band who has recorded in one's studio and whose disk (which should be titled "lost souls") is due for release in September, called Spaccanapoli. They come from Pomigliano D'Arco, and it will be the last great product of the Alfasud... They have a singer who I like very much."

Nonetheless, it is always enjoyable to see them together, Marcello and the Gropez in jam sessions and initiatives of commitment in meeting local communities, associations and committees of popular festivals and musical events to promote awareness and enjoyment of one's historical background and culture.

Now back to the show: from the musical and melodiousness point of view the circumstances of the opening of the "Global Dionysus in Napoli" is that of the pilgrimage to the Madonna di Montevergine in which case the correlation between the abbot, exclusive keeper of the sacred space, safeguards from the pagan invasion of the chant and of the tammurriata suggested by Marcello guardian to his flight of the popular memory.

The initial encounter transforms to share the dancing event thus sacred and profane, which it consolidates in the ancient unity that the popular culture does not want to lose preserving the original forms of a religiousness not institutionalized but without losing the profundity of feeling and sincere upright relationship with the divine proportionality through the intermediary world of saints and Madonna's.

Hence here Marcello exclaims all over again: (“Oh Madonna e tutt’e’ mamme ! Sorè, tenitece fede…”) "Oh Madonna and all mothers! Sisters, have faith” and to follow other fragments of the understood unitary mankind without distinction of color and culture, in recognition of a common affiliation. (“Io so ghianco tu si niro, ma io so cchiù niro e te!”), "I'm white, you are black, but I'm more black than you!", up to the pacifist song that on the rhythms of the ancient ballade it grafts the report of the current precarious state of the world. ("e Bush o’ mericano tene sempe e’ bombe a mano, leva a ‘ pace o’ munno sano!”) "And Bush the American always with the bomb in the hand, removes the peace from the whole world!"

Indeed, a special moment, created in the mass of emotions, sounds, songs, news, drama, English and Neapolitan language, hip-hop music and of tammorre, in the feeble light, in the total silence, in the darkness of the Assoli Hall with seats sold out, and the withholding of breath, awaiting the unclad voice of the singer.

The suffered, participating and involving, vocalism of Marcello nails to the reality in the offertory of sacrifice of the deaths on the job, usually black which feeds yet today the number of white deaths, four per day, as reported in the "Second National Conference on Health and Safety at Work" held in Naples on the 25th and 26th of January.

To be continued: Page: 3

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Thoughts of An Italian Writer: Marcello Colasurdo a Dionysus of Agro Pomiglianese (1)

Who Compares With Courage, With the Globalization of the World

Dr. Antonio Castaldo, Sociologist and Journalist, Brusciano, Italy

Sunday, January 21, at the Nuovo Teatro Nuovo in Naples, we attended the world premiere of "A Global Dionysus in Naples-The (un)real story of Marcello Colasurdo" with English text, the result of an ethnographical research on Marcello, Naples and its rural area.

Projected against a black backcloth the Italian words that are magnified by the projector in parallel with the amplification, we hear the voice of Vernon Douglas that, in English, introduces us to the show.

Between the ethnographic data, the warm participation, artistic and testimonial of Marcello Colasurdo and the engineering processing of the custodial sound of the third millennium, Marco Messina, sets in motion the theatrical fabulation.

A star in a television studio announced by the presenter as "The virus of the feast," bursts into "ladies and gentlemen the Dionysus of today is__Marcello Colasurdo!" an acknowledgement that invites the guest to complete his only words in English throughout the show loaded with his old husky Neapolitan pronunciation "Oh yes, I enjoy."

Then, the whole audience to follow, sometimes accompanied by hand, occasionally sending out some explicit exclamation, but mainly concentrating on the listening of the story which is in a manner rather journalistic in its coverage. However, it also contains an anthropological research; a court in the history of peoples; an agora cathartic of oppression; an aspiration to the entire human emancipation, with nostalgic streaks and courageous flights toward the assertion of identity against the challenges of modernity.

The artistic panorama, that the same Nuovo Teatro Nuovo untiringly innovates with Igina Di Napoli and Angelo Montella, enriched by a staging that, as a whole, is a proposal for an experimental mix of old and modern languages and challenge for a new theatrical pedagogy.

So here we are in the history of anthropological transformation of an area that in a few decades has been traveled across by the acceleration of the times of life and work related to agriculture and industry today and to its transformations amid the birth of a new historical subject: the factory worker. Thus, I pass about the years, with Pomigliano D'Arco at the center: in 1938 Mussolini offers to present the first stone of the new establishment of the Alpha Romeo barehanded and 1950 saw the emergence of the "Cassa del Mezzogiorno," which will last until 1984. There is also the Alfa Sud in 1972 with the production of cars having "the Vesuvius in the engine" which promises to roar years then oxidizes; then the oil crisis of 1975 and the unemployment fund with the protest of the workers. To say the least, the artistic and dramatic expression of memory and group character of the "Gruppo Operaio E' Zezi," with which the voice of history, Marcello Colasurdo, formerly Alenia worker, has served for 18 years.

To be continued: Page: 2

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Pensieri di Uno scrittore italiano: Marcello Colasurdo un Dioniso dell'Agro Pomiglianese (3)

che si confronta con coraggio con la globalizzazione del mondo.

dott Antonio Castaldo, Sociologo e giornalista, Brusciano, Italia.

(Pagina: 3)

Eccoci dunque all’orazione civile, alla commemorazione e inevitabile commozione. “A’ Flobert”, scritta da Sciascià, Salvatore Sciaffuso, dei Zezi e delle Nacchere Rosse, sull’onda dell’emozione di quel terribile giorno di venerdì 11 aprile 1975: “ Viernarì unnice aprile a Sant’Anastasia nu tratto nu rummore sentiett’e ch’ paura/ je ascevo a faticà manc’a forza ‘e cammenà p’à via addumandà sta botta che sarrà./ A Massaria e’ Rumano ‘na fabbrica è scuppiata e ‘a ggente ca fujeva e ll’ate ca chiagneva:/ Chi jeva e chi turnava p’à paura e ll’ati botte ma arrivato nnanz’ ‘o cancello maronn’e ch’ maciello…”

I dodici operai morti martoriati durante la produzione di petardi nella fabbrica della Flobert sono stati ricordati proprio un anno fa nel trentennale della disgrazia. L’esperienza del lutto, in quel momento storico, allora si estese a tutto il movimento operaio e contadino che si riconobbe nella straziata voce e nel commosso canto di Sciuscià, che pochi anni dopo anche lui prematuramente avrebbe lasciato questo mondo lasciandoci in eredità la sua testimonianza artistica sulla luttuosa esperienza della Flobert.

Storia e memoria, passato e presente, identità e differenze, gioie e dolori, nostalgia e apertura al futuro, rappresentazione e testimonianza, uomini e attori, persone e personaggi, dell’agro pomiglianese e nolano, abbiamo visto in scena nella “Sala Assoli”, l’antica e rinnovata cantina del Nuovo Teatro Nuovo. Abbiamo visti rappresentati i problemi e le soluzioni locali intrecciati con i processi globali tenendo fermo il punto di vista cardinale: il Sud d’Italia.

Abbiamo assistito alla convincente performance del cantore Marcello Colasurdo, dell’attore anglo-caraibico Vernon Douglas e del live dj Marco Messina - 99 Posse. Il testo è stato scritto dall’antropologo Paolo Favero e la messa in scena è stata curata da Giuliana Ciancio e Nicola Ciancio; la produzione dell’Associazione OPS è stata realizzata grazie al contributo della Regione Campania, dell’Assessorato ai Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici della Provincia di Napoli, della Città di Pomigliano D’Arco, della Fondazione Arezzowawe e con il patrocinio del Comune di Napoli.

Scene e costumi di Daniela Ciancio, light designer Michelangelo Campanale; food designer Monica Caspani, realizzatore scene Clelio Alfinito, video-grafica e identità visiva di Alessandro Verna, consulenza scientifica di Augusto Ferraiolo.

Nel 2004 in Svezia a Stoccolma presso il Centro Polifunzionale Kulturhuset si ebbe un prima sperimentazione di quello che sarebbe potuto diventare, e lo è diventata, questa bella produzione teatrale che, dopo l’anteprima a Napoli è pronta a volare oltreoceano dove, a settembre sarà negli Stati Uniti, debutterà al teatro LA MAMA di New York . Per questo cui diciamo a tutti coloro che partiranno per questa missione artistica “Good luck - bbona furtuna!”.

Buona fortuna e buona memoria, a tutti noi, pensando che oggi, finendo questo pezzo, è il “Giorno della Memoria” nel ricordo dell’abbattimento dei cancelli di Auschwitz e di tutte le vittime del Nazismo per il rispetto dell’umanità, di ogni popolo, di ogni cultura, di ogni religione.

Brusciano 27 Gennaio 2007 – Giorno della Memoria- Antonio Castaldo

Per contattare:

Pensieri di Uno scrittore italiano: Marcello Colasurdo un Dioniso dell'Agro Pomiglianese (2)

che si confronta con coraggio con la globalizzazione del mondo.

dott Antonio Castaldo, Sociologo e giornalista, Brusciano, Italia.

(Pagina: 2)

La crisi e la scissione maturò, guarda caso, proprio nel contesto globalizzato della scoperta e della gestione del patrimonio del repertorio di testi e musiche popolari, frammento della universale dimensione battezzata world music.

Il mondo del business internazionale lasciò delusi, amareggiati e arrabbiati, il Gropez E’ Zezi insieme al loro leader storico Angelo De Falco.

Nel 2000 Peter Gabriel ex cantante dei Genesis e creatore dei Real World Studios, dichiarò la sconcertante novità: “C'è una band che ha registrato nei nostri studi e il cui disco (che dovrebbe intitolarsi "lost souls") uscirà a settembre, chiamata Spaccanapoli. Vengono da Pomigliano D'Arco e sarà l'ultimo grande prodotto dell'Alfasud... Hanno una cantante che mi piace davvero molto.”

Ma è sempre bello rivederli insieme, Marcello ed il Gropez nelle jam session e nelle iniziative di impegno e di incontro che le comunità locali, le associazioni ed i comitati delle feste popolari e di rassegne musicali creano per la conoscenza e la fruizione del nostro patrimonio storico e culturale.

Ma torniamo allo spettacolo. Dal punto di vista musicale e canoro il contesto di apertura del “Global Dionysus in Napoli” è quello del pellegrinaggio alla Madonna di Montevergine durante il quale avviene il confronto fra l’abate, esclusivo custode dello spazio sacro, difende dall’invasione pagana delle cantate e delle tammurriate proposte da Marcello custode a sua volata della memoria popolare.

Lo scontro iniziale si tramuta in condivisione del ballo così sacro e profano si coniugano nell’antica unità che la cultura popolare non vuole perdere conservando le forme originali di una religiosità non istituzionalizzata però senza perdere la profondità del sentimento e la sincera relazione verticale con la dimensione divina tramite il mondo intermediario di santi e madonne.

Ecco che irrompe ancora Marcello: “Oh Madonna e tutt’e’ mamme ! Sorè, tenitece fede…” ed a seguire altre schegge dell’inteso unitario genere umano senza distinzioni di colori e culture, nel riconoscimento di una comune appartenenza: “Io so ghianco tu si niro, ma io so cchiù niro e te!”, fino al canto pacifista che sui ritmi del ballata antica innesta la denuncia delle attuali precarie condizioni mondiali: “… e Bush o’ mericano tene sempe e’ bombe a mano, leva a ‘ pace o’ munno sano!”.

Un momento davvero speciale si crea nel grumo di emozioni, suoni, canti, notizie, recitazione, lingua inglese e napoletana, musica hip hop e di tammorre nella luce flebile, nel silenzio totale, nel buio della Sala Assoli con i posti tutti esauriti ed il respiro trattenuto che attende la voce nuda del cantore.

La sofferta, partecipante e coinvolgente, vocalità di Marcello ci inchioda alla realtà, nell’offertorio del sacrificio delle morti sul lavoro, spesso nero che alimenta ancora oggi la conta delle morti bianche, quattro al giorno, come segnalato nella “Seconda Conferenza Nazionale Salute e Sicurezza sul Lavoro” svolta proprio a Napoli il 25 e 26 gennaio.

Per continuare a pagina: 3

Pensieri di Uno scrittore italiano: Marcello Colasurdo un Dioniso dell'Agro Pomiglianese (1)

che si confronta con coraggio con la globalizzazione del mondo.

dott Antonio Castaldo, Sociologo e giornalista, Brusciano, Italia.

Domenica 21 gennaio, al Nuovo Teatro Nuovo di Napoli, abbiamo assistito all’anteprima mondiale di “A global Dionysus in Napoli-The (un)real story of Marcello Colasurdo” con testo in inglese frutto di una ricerca etnografica su Marcello, Napoli ed il suo entroterra.

Sparate sul fondale nero le parole italiane sono ingigantite dal proiettore che in parallelo con l’amplificazione ci consegna la voce di Vernon Douglas che, in inglese, ci introduce allo spettacolo.

Tra il dato etnografico, la calda partecipazione, artistica e testimoniale, di Marcello Colasurdo e le elaborazioni ingegneristiche di maggiordomo sonoro del terzo millennio, Marco Messina, inizia l’affabulazione teatrale.

Una star in uno studio televisivo annunciata dal presentatore come “The virus of the feast”, che esplode in “ladies and gentlemen the Dionysus of today is … Marcello Colasurdo!” invita l’ospite al saluto che profferisce la sua unica battuta in inglese di tutto lo spettacolo, carica del suo antico roco accento napoletano “Oh yes, I enjoy”.

Poi, tutta la platea a seguire, a tratti accompagnando con le mani, a volte emettendo qualche interiezione, ma soprattutto concentrata nell’ascolto del racconto che è insieme un reportage giornalistico, una ricerca antropologica, un tribunale nella storia dei popoli ed un’agorà catartica delle oppressioni ed un’aspirazione alla completa emancipazione umana, con venature nostalgiche e coraggiosi voli verso l’affermazione identitaria contro le sfide della modernità.

Il panorama artistico, che lo stesso Nuovo Teatro Nuovo innova instancabilmente con Igina Di Napoli ed Angelo Montella, si arricchisce di una messa in scena che, nel suo complesso, è anche una proposta sperimentale di commistione di vecchi e nuovi linguaggi e sfida per una nuova pedagogia teatrale.

Eccoci dunque alla storia delle trasformazioni antropologiche di un’area che in pochi decenni è stata attraversata dall’accelerazione dei tempi di vita e lavoro un tempo legati all’agricoltura ed oggi all’industria e alle sue trasformazioni con in mezzo la nascita di un nuovo soggetto storico: l’operaio di fabbrica. Così lo scorrere degli anni, con Pomigliano D’Arco al centro, nel 1938 offre Mussolini a mani nude mettere la prima pietra del nuovo stabilimento dell’Alfa Romeo; il 1950 assiste alla nascita della “Cassa del Mezzogiorno” che durerà fino al 1984; poi l’Alfa Sud che nel 1972 con la produzione di automobili con “il Vesuvio nel motore” promette anni ruggenti poi arrugginitisi; quindi la crisi petrolifera del 1975 e la cassa integrazione con la protesta dei lavoratori e l’espressione artistica e teatrale di memoria ed identità di classe del “Gruppo Operaio E’ Zezi”, con cui la voce storica, Marcello Colasurdo, già operaio dell’Alenia, ha militato per 18 anni.

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