Monday, August 31, 2009

Italian Harlem's Police Report #11

Stabbed With A Stiletto 1893

Joseph Vence, an Italian boy eighteen years old of 422 East One Hundred and Thirteenth Street, was seriously stabbed in the abdomen early last evening by Frank Crudeli of 424 East One Hundred and Thirteenth Street, and was taken to the Harlem Hospital in a critical condition. He will probably die.

Vence and Crudeli had been drinking in the saloon of S. Marini, at 406 East One Hundred and Thirteenth Street, and quarreled over the settlement of their bill. Marini separated the young men, sent Vence outside, and locked Crudeli in the saloon.

Crudeli, however, soon stole out through a side entrance. He saw Vence standing near a group of other Italians, and, drawing a stiletto, he rushed upon him and drove it up to the hilt in Vence's stomach. Vence fell, and Crudeli escaped in the excitement. At a late hour last night Crudeli had not been captured.

The New York Times July 14, 1893
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