Monday, May 31, 2010

Frazzled Mimi

Written by Miriam Medina

To all the frazzled ladies, I dedicate this poem:

There was once a blogger named Mimi, who lived in a house far too narrow.
Where piles of history books and research papers filled rooms everywhere.....
Her two little dogs, buddy and T.J. both sweet and spoiled rotten, like a shadow, followed behind her as she walked about here and there.....
She griped and she grumbled, as she tripped and she stumbled, over more books left the night before by her chair.
She needed to write, looking for space on her desk, among the huge pile of mess, but there was as usual none to spare.....
Alas, she said, my dining room table, where I can write as much as I am able, a heavenly place for my soul to bare....."
On the counter there was still, the pile of unpaid bills, that made her so anxious to the point of despair...
She looked all around the apartment, and saw there was so much she needed and so much she hoped someday to repair....
The dogs began barking, as they heard someone knocking, the scowl on her face said "Beware."
Damn it! Its the landlord again, collecting this month's rent, giving him this time a check with a prayer......
This is the final straw, complaining as she closed the door, I've had more than my share to bare....
With her Pina Collada in hand, she decided to take a stand, smoothing tight rollers in her dark brown hair...
A doormat I'm not, As she threw down the pot, exclaiming : To hell with everyone, I am leaving all this and who cares.....

With her cocker spaniel and poodle, trailing behind her, she ran as fast as she could with bag in hand down the stairs...
Into her car, spinning wheels on the tar, she left never to be seen or heard of again anywhere....
Atta girl, Mimi.................

The End

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