Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Brusciano, Italy News/Events: English (8)

Sociologist and Journalist, Head of Press Office in Brusciano, Italy

"By Brusciano on pilgrimage to Medjugorje with the Parish Community S. Maria delle Grazie, led by parish priest Fr Michael Lombardi."

Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Medjugorje in former Yugoslavia, today Bosnia and Herzegovina, by bus from the start of Wednesday 30 September to return Monday, October 5th, 2009, involves 300 pilgrims from the Diocese of Nola, including the Community Parish Santa Maria delle Grazie of Brusciano led by parish priest, Fr Michael Lombardi.

Among the many believers, men, women, young and old, families and groups of friends, there are also the municipal councilors of Brusciano, Nicola Di Maio, Executive Officer for Social Policy and Giuseppe Cristiani, President of the IV Committee Council , which with their families have joined this pilgrimage and the path of faith in recent years that the Community is reviving the parish community of Don Michael Lombardi, thanks to the support and encouragement of the Bishop of Nola, Bishop Benjamin De Palma, often present at Brusciano in the meetings of special Pastoral and Interparrocchial suggestions.

A powerful mark, the Bishop Depalma, had left it in the Community, all during the pastoral visit concluded in the City Council on December 20 of last year, to the presence of the Mayor Dr. Angelo Antonio Roman, and of the President of Council Antonio Di Palma, Counselors and municipal council representatives and many local civic and religious associations accompanied by the Diocesan Delegate for Ecumenism and Dean, Don Giovani Lo Sapio.

And now the Pilgrimage led by Don Michael Lombardi, who despite his advanced age still continues to be a dragger of souls. Among these Nicola Di Maio and Giuseppe Cristiani who have claimed to "participate in the pilgrimage to Medjugorje primarily as faithfuls. And yet we also want to draw from this experience greater spiritual strength and inspiration to fuel our responsibility to act, believers and political representatives, in the City Council and the work of local administrators for the common good.

And on this actual theme, the sociologist Antonio Castaldo has recalled the recent appeal, from Prague, from Pope Benedict XI, addressed to heads of state, judges, entrepreneurs, journalists, judges, trade unionists to economists, to teachers and security operators, managers of public affairs: "We now need people who are credible and consistent, ready to spread in all spheres of society those Christian principles to which their action is inspired."

Date of this Press Release was: 9/29/09

Responsible for this press release: Antonio Castaldo Tel. 081.5218249 e-mails:

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