Friday, October 10, 2008

Worship (2)

Topic: Episcopal Churches in NYC #1

St. Paul's Chapel

In all the ancient churches in New York city, the plan of a collegiate charge seems to have obtained. We shall not undertake, in this place, to discuss the wisdom or the expediency of the arrangement. It may suffice to say, that the plan has been abandoned altogether by the Presbyterians, and partially by the other denominations. The ancient Episcopal Church, in New York city, was established on this plan; Trinity Church was considered the parish church, and had as a collegiate charge, St. George's, St. Paul's, and St. John's, which were called "Chapels." St. George's is now a distinct charge, but the other two are still collegiate.

St. Paul's Chapel near the Park, between Fulton and Vesey streets was erected and first opened for worship, October 30th, 1766. It is a fine structure, of a reddish grey stone, 113 feet long, and 73 feet wide. Continuing a collegiate charge with Trinity Church, its ecclesiastical affairs are consequently merged in that.

St. John's Chapel

This is an elegant stone structure, 111 feet long, and 73 feet wide, situated on Varick street, fronting Hudson's square, more recently known as "St. John's Park." It was built in 1807, at the cost of more than $200,000. This, like St. Paul's, continues as a chapel of Trinity Church, and therefore needs no separatic ecclesiastical notice.

The following list exhibits the names of the regular rectors of Trinity Church, from its commencement to this time; with the dates of their accession, and dismission or death, viz.:

Rev. William Vesey,...........from 1696, to ......1746.
Rev. Henry Barclay...........from 1746, to.......1764.
Rev. Sam'l Auchmutv.........from 1764, to.......1777.
Rev. Charles Inglis............from 1777, to.......1783.
Rev. Samuel Provoost........from 1783, to.......1800.
Rev. Benjamin Moore.........from 1800, to.......1816.
Rev. Jno. Henry Hobart......from 1816, to.......1830.
Rev. Wm. Berrian.............from 1830, to this time.

St. George's Church

As early as 1748, the increasing population of the city rendered it expedient to erect a church edifice, on what was then called "Chapel Hill," from that circumstance, and the street "Chapel street," now Beekman street, at the corner of Cliff street, then called "Van Cliff's street." This was called "St. George's Chapel," and was a part of the collegiate charge of Trinity Church. The edifice was completed, and opened for worship, July 1st, 1752. It was a noble structure for the day in which it was built, being 104 feet long, and 72 feet wide, with a tall pointed spire, and was considered a great ornament to that part of the city. Thus it stood for more than sixty years, when, in 1814, it was burnt out, leaving the walls of stone standing. It was rebuilt in its present form, with the same walls, in the following year, being again opened, November 7th, 1815. It was separated from Trinity Church, and became a distinct charge, in the autumn of the year 1811. The Rev. John Brady officiated in this church for a little more than a year after the separation from Trinity, and in 1813, the Rev. John Brady officiated in this church for a little more than a year after the separation from Trinity, and in 1813, the Rev. John Kewley, D.D., was duly installed as rector, and the Rev. Mr. Brady as assistant. But their ministry was of short duration, as they both resigned the charge in the year 1816. In the same year the Rev. James Milnor became rector of the church, and continued to labor, faithfully and with increasing usefulness, until his death, which took place with scarce a moment's warning, on April 8th, 1845. The ministry of Dr. Milnor was greatly blessed to this church; and his memory will long be cherished, not only by the people of his peculiar charge, but by the ministers and people of all the denominations around him.

The present Rector of the Church, the Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., was instituted in the summer of 1845. There are now about 450 members in communion.

In March, 1846, Peter G. Stuyvesant, Esq., generously gave to St. George's Church lots of ground on Rutherford Place and Sixteenth street, sufficient for a new Church and Rectory; and the Vestry, after accepting the gift, resolved to proceed immediately to commence the erection of a church edifice, with a view to colonize. (33)

Sources Utilized to Document Information


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